Lane Creek Golf Club in Bishop, GA
The Tournament
Second only to our auctions, the annual golf tournament is a significant GDYF fundraiser. Teams of four play in friendly competition to support Georgia Dairy Youth. Held in April, the tournament is hosted by the GDYF Junior Board who volunteer in running all aspects of the competition. Sponsors donate by registering teams, buying signage at a hole, and recognition through our Facebook page. The tournament is a true team effort to have a fun day golfing while supporting our Georgia dairy youth.
The tournament is in memory of H. Bud Wiley who was a dairy farmer and breeder of registered Holsteins at Rose Creek Farm in Watkinsville for over 20 years. He served on the board of the Atlanta Dairies Cooperative, the Georgia Milk Producers Board, and the Board of Directors of Walton EMC and of Oglethorpe Power. He enjoyed raising his children on the farm and served as a strong supporter of 4-H and FFA dairy youth programs. He was pivotal in organizing the first two golf tournaments for the Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation.
If you are interested in this year’s golf tournament, click here for a brochure.

Thank You To Our 2023 Golf Tournament Sponsors:
The 2023 Golf Tournament
Tee and Green Sponsors:
AgSouth Farm Credit
Classic City Fencing
Batchelor & Kimball
B&B Dairy
Chestatee Chattahoochee RC&D
Clermont Farms
Georgia Farm Bureau
Georgia Milk Producers
Godfrey's Warehouse
Hales Heating and Cooling
Life Church - Larrie Guthrie
Oglethorpe Power Corp
Rider Trucking and Towing and RIder Farms
Seneca Dairy Systems
South State Bank
Southern Heritage Land
Hole Sponsors:
Adam Graft
Bagewell Insurance Group
East Athens Physical Therapy
Embry Farm Service
Firelight Holsteins
Frankie and Peggy Farbotko
Godrefy's Warehouse
Lee County FFA
Matt London
Shirley Millican
Mobile Fleet Solutions
Muddy H Farms
Oglethorpe County High School FFA
Sills Bros Grading
The Athletic Shop - Robbie Haynes
Valley Coop
AgSouth Farm Credit
Batchelor and Kimball
B&B Dairy
Chestatee Chattohoochee RC&D
Classic CIty Fencing
Clermont Farms
Cory Glover Team
Georgia Farm Bureau
Godfrey Dairy
Hales Heating and Cooling
Life Church
Mountain Fresh Creamery
Oglethorpe Power
Walton EMC
My Pool Pal
South State Bank
Southern Heritage Land
Tristate Waterproofing
Walton EMC
Carl Blount - Eatonton Feed Co-Op - Southeastern Growers, Inc.