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FFA Agricultural Proficiency Awards honor FFA members who, through their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs), have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers. This awards program recognizes students for exceptional accomplishments in progressing toward specific objectives in their chosen field of interest. This program is based on a student’s SAE, which is developed outside the classroom under the supervision of the agriculture education teacher and FFA advisor.
FFA supports two dairy related proficiencies: Dairy Production Placement and Dairy Production Entrepreneurship. Placement proficiency awards are given to students whose SAEs are related to employment, apprenticeships or internships at an agribusiness or agriculture-related organization, either for pay or for the experience. An example of a Dairy Production Placement is a student working on a local dairy farm with duties that range from milking cows to planting crops. In the entrepreneurship proficiency awards category, a student must own an enterprise where the student assumes responsibility for all financial and management decisions for the successful completion of the project or activity. An example of the Dairy Production Entrepreneurship opportunity is a student running a heifer replacement business or owning dairy cattle. These proficiencies recognize students who use the best management practices available to efficiently produce and market dairy cattle and dairy products.
GDYF is the sponsor of the Dairy Production Entrepreneurship Proficiency Award for Georgia. Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation's sponsorship provides an opportunity for the first place winner of the Proficiency area to travel to the National FFA Convention in Louisville, Ky., as well as awards for the second and third place proficiency award recipients.
More information about SAE and Proficiency Award programs can
be found here:

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