Meet Jacob Bass, GDYF Junior Board of Directors Second Vice President

Rising senior Jacob Bass is serving as the Second Vice President for GDYF’s Junior Board of Directors this year. Jacob’s fresh ideas to promote GDYF and to encourage fellow 4-H and FFA dairy youth to join will be an asset to the organization.
Eight years ago, Jacob Bass began showing dairy heifers and quickly developed a strong interest in the program. His hard work and discipline is recognized by many in the dairy showing community.
Outside of the ring, Jacob serves as a captain in the United States Air Force Auxiliary, is actively involved in Trinity Baptist Church and in the Elbert County 4-H program.
When he is not in school or preoccupied by other activities, Jacob enjoys World War II German reenacting. His favorite role model is Ronald Reagan that once said, “There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.”
Jacob will be an asset to the Junior Board because his character portrays commitment and the drive to succeed.
Fun Facts about Jacob Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream: Strawberry Favorite Super Hero: Captain America