Meet Our Second Vice President, Haley Pulsifer

Meet Haley, the GDYF Junior Board 2nd VP responsible for junior member relations.
Perry High School’s very own Haley Pulsifer is serving as the Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation’s Junior Board Second Vice President. Haley is a rising senior in high school and hopes to pursue a career as an agriculture education teacher when she graduates in 2017. Having shown dairy for the past nine years, Haley says that this is her favorite GDYF sponsored activity. “I have been showing for half of my life”, was Haley’s response when asked why she was so passionate about her heifers. Haley chose to become a member of our junior board of directors so that she could spread her own passion for the dairy industry to the younger generations of dairy youth in Georgia. She hopes that her involvement in GDYF will encourage others to become as active as she is.
Fun Facts about Haley
Favorite Food: Mexican
Favorite Super Hero: Superman