Meet Jennifer Brinton

Meet Jennifer Brinton!
She is part of our 2020 officer team!
Hi! My name is Jennifer Brinton. I am 16 years old and I am in the 11th grade. I am home schooled and also dual enrolled at the University of West Georgia. Outside of school, 4-H is my number one focus, especially 4-H dairy programs. Over the life-changing 7 years that I have been in 4-H, I have been involved in many clubs such as, the Commercial Dairy Heifer Show team, Dairy Quiz Bowl team, and Dairy Judging Team. I have had the amazing opportunity to compete at the national level in both Dairy Judging and Dairy Quiz Bowl. Outside of dairy programs, I am also the Vice-President of our 4-H County Council and am involved on the .22 Rimfire Sporter Rifle team, Forestry Judging team, Vet Science club, and Senior 4-H’er club.
This is my fourth year serving on the Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation Junior Board of Representatives and I am so grateful for every second of it. Serving on the GDYF Junior Board has taught me so much about responsibility, leadership, and communication skills. Being involved with GDYF has not only connected me with awesome dairy youth from all across the state, but it has also helped prepare me for my future. Being able to attend events through GDYF such as, the Georgia Dairy Conference, has inspired me and given me ideas for my career path in the dairy industry. I am so proud to be apart of this amazing, giving organization. This year, I am super excited to be working closer with the GDYF board and to connect with more youth so that we may grow the future of dairy in Georgia.
Fun facts about me! My favorite dairy breed is Holsteins. I am the youngest of three siblings. My favorite dairy product and food in general is ice cream. I have been going to dairy shows since I was a toddler and most of my favorite memories are from showing. I love trying new things.