Meet Bella Grier - GDYF Jr. Board Member
Hey y'all! My name is Bella Grier, I’m 16 years old and attend North Hall High School. I grew up on my family's beef farm, which is where I found my love for agriculture. In 7th grade, I joined FFA and started exhibiting dairy heifers. The show ring quickly became my favorite place and I have continued to grow as a showman and person. Since then, I have started my own registered red and white Holstein herd
and have learned all about genetics and nutrition. Through dairy showing, I have met so many amazing people. I have been blessed to have lots of support from local farmers, friends, and family, who have helped me succeed in the show ring. Because of this, I have become passionate about helping people succeed and want to educate the young dairy showman across the state of Georgia about all that the dairy industry has to offer. I have grown to be very passionate about the dairy industry and look forward to pursuing a career in agricultural education. I currently serve as my FFA chapter's President and am involved in many different CDE/LDE competitions, including dairy judging and agricultural education. I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve on the Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation junior board! I know that we can help Georgia’s youth in the dairy industry succeed and reach their full potential!